Investigating tries: writing a spell-checking algorithm
This article walks through writing a spell-checking algorithm, making use of a neat data structure called a trie, which is particularly suited to the problem.
We will look at:
- The spell-checking problem and naive solutions
- What a trie is and how it can offer us a better solution
- The trie-based solution
- Analysis of our solution
- How our solution can be improved
- Other problems that can be solved with tries
We wish to write a spell-checking algorithm which should return a boolean indicating whether the word might be valid or not. It should return false only if there is no possibility of the word being correct. Words which are incorrect but may be made correct with the addition of further letters should return true.
Let's consider some solutions using conventional data structures.
List. Sort words and store them in a list. We can then use a modified binary search1 to search for words in
O(m log n)
time2, wherem
is the length of the search term andn
is the number of words in the dictionary. This isn't a bad solution, but we can do better. -
Dict/set. Store words in a
or aset
. Dicts and sets use hashing algorithms to provide constant time (O(1)
) lookups. This makes them seem suitable for an algorithm which is mostly about looking up whether a word is in a list. However, our spell-checker should not return false for the word the user is currently typing, even if it is not yet a valid word. In hashing the words in the list, we lose information about the word itself, and cannot map a word which can be made correct to the correct word. This makes dicts and sets unsuitable for this purpose.
A trie is a data structure which can store strings in a way which makes them
easy to search. The following diagram shows a trie with the strings app
and cat
stored in it.
0 -> a -> p -> p. -> l -> e.
`-> c -> a -> t.
In this diagram, 0
represents the node at the top of the trie, which has no
value associated. Nodes marked are marked with a dot .
to signify that they
contain a letter which is at the end of a word.
The trie is made up of a series of interconnected nodes. Each node stores a single character, and interconnecting lines show the relationship between characters. By following the lines, we can see our three words
We can see that a trie explicitly encodes the characters of a word in its nodes, making it suitable for our spell-checking algorithm, where we need to be able to match substrings of words in the dictionary.
Our trie will need to support two operations:
, which adds a new wordsearch
, which searches for a match or potential match
First, let's implement our trie. Tries consist of a series of nodes. Each node must store a value, a record of the child nodes, and whether the node points to the end of a complete word.
The child nodes can be stored in different ways, depending on the properties
desired in the trie. Here, we store them in a dict
, which offers fast O(1)
lookup times, but require larger memory usage. A list could alternatively be
used to reduce memory usage, at the cost of slower lookup time.
Using a dict
, the algorithmic complexity of spell-checking a word should be
, where m
is the length of the string being checked3.
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value=None):
self.value = value
self.children = {}
self.is_complete = False
The trie itself just contains a reference to the top of the string of nodes:
class Trie(object):
def __init__(self):
self.node = Node()
We can now implement the insert
class Trie(object):
# ...
def insert(self, key):
node = self.node
for letter in key:
if letter in node.children:
node = node.children[letter]
new_node = Node(letter)
node.children[letter] = new_node
node = new_node
node.is_complete = True
Insert takes a key to insert, iterates over it, and adds each letter to the trie, creating new nodes if necessary.
class Trie(object):
# ...
def search(self, key):
node = self.node
for letter in key:
if letter not in node.children:
return False
node = node.children[letter]
return True
Search iterates over the letters in the key, checking that each node contains a child whose value matches the letter.
Comparison to binary search
We can compare how our trie-based algorithm compares to binary search which by running a benchmark test. The test searches for 1000 randomly selected words from the dictionary 100 times each.
$ python
Binary search 1000 items 100 times: 2.32307600975
Trie search 1000 items 100 times: 0.461572885513
We can empirically measure the algorithm's time complexity by measuring the time taken to search for words of variable length known to be in the trie.
has linear time complexity, as expected.
Speed up searching successive characters in a word
When spell-checking, a word as it is typed, we make multiple calls to the
function, each time passing the previously searched value with a new
character appended. For example, when typing the word 'word', the following
searches are made:
- w
- wo
- wor
- word
When searching for 'wor', you repeat the work done when searching for 'wo' and 'w'. We can modify our algorithm to take this into account:
class Trie(object):
# ...
def search(self, key, prev_node=None):
node = prev_node if prev_node is not None else self.node
for letter in key:
if letter not in node.children:
return False, node
node = node.children[letter]
return True, node
In this code, the last searched node is returned to the caller. The caller can
then supply this node when calling search
with the next character in the word
to continue searching when we left off.
Startup time
One disadvantage of this algorithm is that initialising the trie takes some
time. By profiling the insertion of the dictionary into the trie, we can see
that a lot of this time is spent initialising Node
$ python
1028667 function calls in 5.354 seconds
Ordered by: standard name
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 0.176 0.176 5.354 5.354 <string>:1(<module>)
1 0.101 0.101 5.178 5.178
792777 3.273 0.000 3.273 0.000
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
235886 1.804 0.000 5.077 0.000
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}
This startup time could be improved by implementing Node
with an object with
one which is faster to initialise, such as a collections.namedtuple
However, this slow startup only needs to be run once, and won't affect performance once initialised.
Memory usage
Tries trade off speed for memory usage. Although storing a list of words in a
trie reduces the total number of characters stored4, each
character stored now has overhead associated with it from the Node
which contains it, and the dict
used to store its relationships.
This memory usage can be reduced by storing the words in a deterministic acyclic finite state automaton, which prunes some of the redundancy out of the trie.
Tries can be used in similar ways to implement:
- An autocomplete algorithm
- A sort function (insert all keys into the trie, use a depth-first-search-esque algorithm to output the keys in order)
Perform binary search, but instead of searching for the string in the dictionary
which ==
the search term, search for a string which startswith()
the search
We are not just searching for a word in a dictionary, but also for words which
could have letters added them to make them valid. We can do this by checking
whether the dictionary entry starts with the letters of the search term O(m)
at each step of the search O(log n)
At each step of the seach, we do a dict
key lookup, which is O(1)
. For a
word with m
characters, we perform m
of these lookups, giving an overall
search complexity of O(m)
Storing the words 'cat' and 'cab' in a list requires storing six characters. In a trie, we only store four:
c -> a -> t
`-> b