Using a logbook to improve your programming

In this post, I'll describe the engineering practice of keeping a logbook, and show how it can be applied to programming work.


I studied engineering at university. Part of my course involved practical work, which we recorded in a logbook. To use a logbook successfully, you have to:

  1. Consider the problem you're attempting to solve
  2. Describe your method for solving it
  3. Describe the process of carrying out the method
  4. Record what happened, and ask how it could be improved

This process is well suited to problem solving and active learning, and is described by George Pólya in his book How to Solve It, which describes a method for solving mathematical problems.

Logbooks for programming

Recently, I've been trying to apply this method to writing software and debugging code. It requires more upfront work than jumping in and trying things out, but it offers some advantages:

Keeping a logbook has been a useful and interesting process for me so far - I'd encourage you to try it out.


Real engineering logbooks are professional records which can be used as legal evidence in case of patent disputes etc. They must be bound so pages can't be inserted or removed, written in ink, each page must be dated, and each new day's work must start on a new page.

Our logbook doesn't need to be this formal. Mine is a collection of Markdown files each titled with today's date. I store them all in the directory ~/logbook. To simplify this, I've added a shell function for quickly opening today's entry in Vim:

function lb() {
    vim ~/logbook/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').md

Although it's simple enough to be added as an alias, I'd recommend using the function. The function re-evaluates date each time its run, while the alias only evaluates it when your bashrc or zshrc is evaluated. If you leave a shell open overnight, lb will open yesterday's page.