How do .epubs work?
There are a couple of different file formats that e-books are distributed in.
The one I most commonly see is the EPUB format, which has the .epub
extension. Let's take a look at the internals of this file this format.
An example EPUB
In this article, we'll be looking at a copy of Moby Dick, published by the website Planet Ebook. You can download the EPUB from this page. N.B: you should check that this book is in the public domain and out of copyright in your country before downloading.
EPUBs are zip files
We can see their contents by unzipping them:
$ unzip moby-dick.epub
$ rm moby-dick.epub # We don't need this anymore
$ tree
│ ├──
│ ├── container.xml
│ └── encryption.xml
│ ├── Moby-Dick.xhtml
│ ├── content.opf
│ ├── cover.xhtml
│ ├── css
│ │ └── idGeneratedStyles.css
│ ├── font
│ │ ├── MinionPro-BoldDisp.otf
│ │ ├── MinionPro-CnIt.otf
│ │ ├── MinionPro-MediumDisp.otf
│ │ └── MinionPro-Regular.otf
│ ├── image
│ │ ├── 1.png
│ │ └── Moby-Dick.jpg
│ └── toc.ncx
└── mimetype
EPUBs are similar to websites
We can see a couple of filetypes we'd expect to see in a website:
, which defines the content of pagescss
, which defines stylingotf
, which are font filespng
which are imagesmimetype
, which specifies the nature and format of a file
$ cat mimetype
This file provies a more reliable way of telling that this file is actually an
EPUB than the .epub
file extension. All EPUBs must have an
directory contains metadata about the book. The only required
file here is container.xml
. This file points to the file which contains the
contents of the book:
<!-- META-INF/container.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
<rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml" />
We can see that the content of the book is stored at OEBPS/content.opf
Document layout
is an Open Packaging Format file. It's an XML document with
a particular format used to define the contents of EPUBs:
<!-- OEBPS/content.opf -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<package version="2.0" xmlns="" unique-identifier="bookid">
<metadata xmlns:dc="" xmlns:opf="">
<meta name="generator" content="Adobe InDesign 12.1" />
<meta name="cover" content="x1.png" />
<dc:identifier id="bookid">urn:uuid:29d919dd-24f5-4384-be78-b447c9dc299b</dc:identifier>
<item id="cover" href="cover.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />
<item id="Moby-Dick" href="Moby-Dick.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />
<item id="ncx" href="toc.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" />
<item id="idGeneratedStyles.css" href="css/idGeneratedStyles.css" media-type="text/css" />
<item id="Moby-Dick.jpg" href="image/Moby-Dick.jpg" media-type="image/jpeg" />
<item id="x1.png" href="image/1.png" media-type="image/png" />
<item id="MinionPro-Regular.otf" href="font/MinionPro-Regular.otf"
media-type="application/" />
<!-- other fonts -->
<spine toc="ncx">
<itemref idref="cover" linear="no" />
<itemref idref="Moby-Dick" />
<reference type="cover" href="cover.xhtml" title="Cover" />
Let's look at each of the sections:
- Metadata. The author, title, language etc of the book
- Manifest. The list of files that make up the book
- Spine. The order in which items should be displayed in the book
- Guide.
"A set of references to fundamental structural features of the publication, such as table of contents, foreword, bibliography, etc.".
To be honest, I'm not sure how this differs from the
When reading the book, you'll see the cover
, defined in OEBPS/cover.xhtml
then the main content Moby-Dick
, defined in OEBPS.Moby-Dick.xhtml
Table of contents
The table of contents is defined in the NCX (Navigation Control file for XML)
file OEBPS/toc.ncx
<!-- OEBPS/toc.ncx -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN"
<ncx xmlns="" version="2005-1">
<meta name="dtb:uid"
content="urn:uuid:29d919dd-24f5-4384-be78-b447c9dc299b" />
<meta name="dtb:depth" content="3" />
<meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0" />
<meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0" />
<navPoint id="navpoint1" playOrder="1">
<navLabel><text>Moby Dick </text></navLabel>
<content src="Moby-Dick.xhtml#_idParaDest-1" />
<navPoint id="navpoint2" playOrder="2">
<content src="Moby-Dick.xhtml#_idParaDest-2" />
<navPoint id="navpoint3" playOrder="3">
<navLabel><text>Chapter 1 Loomings.</text></navLabel>
<content src="Moby-Dick.xhtml#_idParaDest-3" />
<!-- other chapters -->
The content
tags in this file link to the relevant places in the main text.
This is just an HTML file which displays a full page image
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<html xmlns="">
<div style="text-align:center;">
<img src="image/1.png" alt="1.png" style="max-width:100%;" />
This is another HTML file which contains the actual text of the book. Chapter
headings are marked with id
s that match the URL fragment in OEBPS/toc.ncx