Simplify Golang test fixtures with this one weird trick

When testing code, test functions may depend on some external dependency. For example, if we have written a:

Test fixtures are functions which launch the external dependencies our test code requires.

Say we're writing a web crawler and want to test it against a real website. We can define startServer and stopServer functions which are called by our test functions to serve the website required for our testing:

func startServer() net.Listener {
    // Start server
    return listener

func stopServer(l net.Listener) {
    // Stop server

func TestFeature(t *testing.T) {
    listener := startServer()
    defer stopServer(listener)
    // Run test

We can simplify this code by making the start function return the stop function:

func startServer() func {
    // Start server

    func stopServer() {
        // Stop server

    return stopServer

func TestFeature(t *testing.T) {
    stopServer := startServer()
    defer stopServer()
    // Run test

This pattern has two benefits:

  1. startServer and stopServer are inherently linked and should always be called together. Binding the two functions together makes this explicit.
  2. In the first example, the writer of TestFeature must know that startServer returns a net.Listener, which must be passed to stopServer. This leaks implementation detail. In the second example, this information is hidden1, giving a cleaner API. The startServer and stopServer functions can be changed internally, without affecting test code.

The nested functions in the second example form a closure, in which the net.Listener is persisted.

  1.  ↩︎